Interesting Riddles 3

  1.  The most difficult ships to conquer
  2. Which pine has the longest needles?
  3. What kind of servants are best for hotels?
  4. What is a word of five letters which,
    when you take away two, only one remains?
  5. When is a black dog most likely to enter a house?
  6. When is the only time a man is really immersed in his business?
  7. What is worse than finding a worm in an apple?
  8. What are the largest ants?
  9. How do we know that mosquitoes are always happy?
  10. What do the bees do with all their honey?
 Click here for the answers

  1. Hardships
  2. Porcupine
  3. The inn-experienced (inn means house providing accommodation - like a hotel)
  4. Stone (remove st, you will get one)
  5. When the door is open
  6. When he is a swimming coach
  7. Finding half a worm
  8. Giants
  9. They are always singing
  10. Cell it

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